Care at birth

Skin Care

Immediately after birth, the skin will dry by patting your baby to reduce the loss of heat causes evaporation of amniotic fluid that covered the skin. We also wipe any other substance on the skin, such as blood, feces or coating particular, called "sebaceous coating," which resembles the texture of the cheese. Normally, the remaining coating is absorbed by the skin within 24 to 48 hours.

Body temperature

Before birth, your body temperature controlled baby. After birth, your baby should be able to maintain its body temperature. If body temperature is low, it may have to draw on its reserves of glucose to keep the body warm. This can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), which can cause a further fall in body temperature of your baby. Hypoglycemia can be dangerous for your newborn. To prevent a rapid drop in body temperature, we put your baby in a cradle or hot we leave with you, well wrapped, and monitor body temperature. The skin-on-skin contact with your newborn is another great way to ensure the stability of the body temperature of your baby. We check the temperature regularly. We should not give bath to a newborn until its temperature has stabilized.

Sleep from birth

To foster good sleep habits, we must be vigilant at birth. For some babies, will naturally while others have multiple awakenings requiring intervention.

Sleep is one aspect of life that is essential to well-being, both for the growth brain development. Already in utero, it is about 24 to 30 weeks some sleep cycles develop. Also, the stimuli provided by the mother in her daily activities influence the development of sleep cycles and the biological clock. It is the brain that governs the organization of sleep cycles. After birth, the organization of sleep is largely influenced by daylight schedule feedings and daily activities. These elements (called time-givers) have a great influence to regulate sleep cycles. They will be more regular and stable, the clock will be organized easily.

At birth, sleep cycles have a duration of between 40 and 60 minutes. In the first months of life cycles are grouped between 2-6 cycles per 24 hours. This means that already at this age, the baby can sleep 6 hours straight. To 3-4 months, the brain is sufficiently developed to consolidate the biological clock and the baby will sleep at night prioritized on sleep during the day. At this age, you may notice periods of uninterrupted sleep 9 hours up to 12 hours to six months of age.

Birthmark on baby

Birthmarks are marks on the skin of your baby can stay a lifetime or discolor over time. Some spots are called "stork bites" (when they are located in the neck) or "angel kisses" (when they are on the forehead or eyelids). It is mottled red spots or sometimes pink which usually disappear after several months or even several years. There are other kinds of birthmarks are more permanent.

What are they like?

The most common varieties are:
Wine stains purple or angioma plan, involving about 3 newborns in 1000. They tend to grow for several years. They can be removed by laser treatment. Seek the advice of a dermatologist.

The tuberous angioma. This is a projection purple red, which grows rapidly during the first six months, then more slowly, and eventually shrink and lighten the age of 18 months. It usually disappears by the age of six years.

The power


The exclusive breastfeeding during the first months is a power mode that is appropriate for all children.

The composition of the milk of every mother is perfectly adapted to the needs of the baby and it also varies in the same feed as well as over time.

Breastfeeding has many other benefits for both baby and mom.

Most women can breastfeed. The ideal is to breastfeed on demand.

How to eat healthy?

A balanced diet, varied and healthy diet is essential to enable the child to grow, develop, maintain good health, etc..


There are a growing number of people complaining of allergies. The clinical signs of these and their causes vary widely. Of preventive and curative measures exist depending on the type of allergy.

It is therefore useful to talk to your doctor who will advise appropriate treatment.

For example, children at risk, the exclusive breastfeeding during the first months proved to be an excellent prevention.

During the construction of housing and especially the room of your child, it is important to ensure a healthy environment.

The environment in which your child will provide him security and development. This requires well develop space made available and choose age appropriate toys do not hesitate to seek advice and consult the brochures provided in the consultation.

Which vaccines to protect my child?

Your child vaccinated is the best way to protect against certain diseases and their complications. A single vaccination is compulsory by law, vaccination against polio. Other (diphtheria, tetanus, hepatitis ...) are strongly recommended. The vaccination schedule begins at an early age: Your child will then receive their first vaccination at the age of 2 months. The doctor will advise you the following schedule during each visit.

The book gives you the child vignettes that give free access to vaccination. All vaccines recommended by the French Community may be obtained free of charge from the vaccinator of your choice in exchange for these vignettes.

One exception: the vaccine against rotavirus, which can be purchased in pharmacies provided you have a prescription. This vaccine is largely reimbursed by your insurance.

If the delivery is a test for the mother, it is also for the baby.

From the narrow space of the uterus, the newborn passes air. In a few minutes, it changes the environment from the liquid medium in air environment and must adapt quickly.

During childbirth

The baby plays an essential role in the induction of labor. It is present in 95% of cases upside down, they say it is a presentation "cephalic" the most favorable delivery.
In 4% of cases, the fetus is sitting in his mother's womb is the breech presentation. The prognosis for vaginal delivery varies depending on the school, and a cesarean can be discussed because it is a more risky childbirth compared to a cephalic presentation.

Once arrived at the maternity, midwife or obstetrician will take care. It puts in place a monitoring to assess the well-being of your baby by heart rate and the frequency of your contractions. You will be a vaginal to know where you are in labor. We evaluate the characteristics of your cervix (the dilation, length, texture and position) and the height of your baby's head in relation to your pelvis.


Once (it was there not long ago actually), it completely shaved pubis of a woman when he arrived at the hospital in order to "sanitize" the area and "eliminate risks of infection". This was THE procedure, and that was it. It was so sure and certain that it was the right thing and that it included not only the benefits, but also that the intervention was necessary. But after research (in fact, one research was needed to establish a diagnosis clear and convincing), we realized that in reality ... it was the opposite! Shaving increase the risk of infection! Superb, what now?

Long practiced immediately upon admission of women to give birth, this practice is now a thing of the past few exceptions. Some doctors or hospitals have turned to a desire to "mini-shaving" (lower lip and near the perineum), but its usefulness seems equally questionable.

Enema for pleasure, pain or vitality?

This is one of the things, Stars of film, even politicians talk sports with an enema, but what is it healthy, is it nice?

One point, I do, it's not a "how-to" guide, before undertaking any such procedure I would recommend first consulting your local medical adviser.

Basically it's colon cleansing and large intestine, it involves injecting a solution into the rectum to soften the feces, distend the colon and rectum and cause the easy emptying of the bowel.

Although its all the rage right now, its actually one of the oldest medical procedures and has been practiced by most cultures throughout history. In fact its only in the last fifty years that regular enema has diminished, mainly by the onslaught of chemical enema's and laxatives from the pharmaceutical industry. Everyone from the Greek and Egyptian kings of France have extolled the virtues and health benefits of the enema. The use of the washing today can be broadly divided into two zones, one for medical and health reasons, one for pleasure and erotic practices.


Why should we go this route?

Because unfortunately today was the only effective treatment for eligible cure for endometriosis although it is not a sure bet.

We do not have a figure to date on the recurrence rate after surgery.

Laparoscopy, a technique widely used by surgeons because it allows to see the whole abdomen and genitals. Endometriosis is a disease very complex and difficult operable when violations are profound. We must know that the surgeon resected radical damage (cutting the lesion, the cyst, the nodule and leave nothing). But he knows also operate with the digestive system. Therefore it is always better than the surgeon gynecologist working in a multidisciplinary team, so with other surgeons to avoid unpleasant surprises.

A short hospital stay estimated 2 to 3 days see the type of operation (resection of part of the colon, rectum or bowel), poses a colostomy or ileostomy or another and it will wait at least 7 days.