Forget the TV during pregnancy.

Well, of course, be in the know who, what, where, when and why. But sometimes the news does not deserve to know about them. If you do so you must be in the information flow, remember that editors are guided by the rule of news: "roast" - at first. For this reason, do not include news from the first minute: it usually is unpleasant at the beginning of the program, and all the fun, funny and innocent - in the end. Better yet, listen to the radio in the absence of even the most horrible pictures news are not as frightening. Film is also not the best choice. "Horror" and thrillers make tremble both: both mother and baby. But the melodrama, and soap operas that are recommended for family viewing, and sometimes frightened expectant mothers, no less. Writers and directors seek to tighten the plot and often catching the passions it around pregnant women and new mothers. This is a win-win situation - to keep viewers on their toes. Caught in such films and scenes in hospitals, and certainly here that passions are in full: screams, groans, running about people in white coats ... Open a terrible secret: "highly artistic" image of birth as implausible as the smile of a hero who only that survived without a scratch while falling from a skyscraper, a terrible explosion and fight. But to believe this discrepancy impressionable woman who sits on this side of the screen, it is very difficult. So moms and dads, the neophytes when they are in hospitals on their own need, looked around in surprise: where is the blood, sweat and bustle of doctors? Why nobody shouts "Mom!"? In general, for nine months did better forget about "the most important of all arts" - can not go wrong.