Learn to forgive. Allow yourself to be vulnerable.

In general, pregnant women are very open to the world, taking everything to heart and so it is very touchy. But insults are not constructive, in addition, they tend to come back like a boomerang. In short, no good, they will not do or the mother or her unborn baby. And so, learn to forgive those who wittingly or unwittingly brought you a few unpleasant moments, particularly the most loved ones: husband, mother, sister, mother in law, good friend. To forgive, tell yourself: "Offense - a luxury that I can not afford, because then I would be offended by my child." Pregnancy - a great time to be a good and wise man, to which the film simply does not "stick".
Today's business women, who are accustomed to "keep a finger on the pulse", to build a career and to control all aspects of their lives, suddenly encountered during pregnancy, with feelings that they absolutely no control. All attempts to behave in such a situation, like a "crisis manager" are doomed to failure. And it's not bad: when more than in the waiting period, a woman may feel weak, a little awkward and vulnerable, feel the need to rely on a strong man's shoulder?