Onset of labor

Most often begin with the birth pangs. Contractions - it's regular uterine contractions, which are accompanied by pulling pain in the abdomen and (or) in the back. Initially, contractions are weak, lasting a few seconds, the interval between them is 10 - 12 minutes. Sometimes the fights begin at once every 5 - 6 minutes, but not very strong. Gradually the contractions become more frequent, severe, prolonged, painful. Usually in first battle lasted 10 - 12 hours in multiparous 6 - 8 hours.

Sometimes fights are rare - about 20 - 30 minutes. This is not the birth pangs, and harbingers of birth. If you are not very tiring, you can wait and not go to the maternity hospital. It is possible that all the stops. Go to the hospital is better when the fight more than 1 every 10 minutes.

Another variant of the onset of labor - is rupture of membranes or leakage of small amounts. In this case, no longer need to wait for the contractions, but it is better to go to the hospital, because the longer the period of dry, the greater the likelihood of complicated births of infection in the uterus and the fetus.

Urgent need to go to the hospital, if there are bleeding from the genital tract. This can lead to serious complications and requires a medical examination and observation.