What is fetal hypoxia?
Fetal hypoxia is a set of changes in the fetus due to insufficient oxygen supply. It is found in 10.5% of the total number of births.
Oxygen deficiency leads to disruption of body functions, changes in metabolic processes. Oxygen deficiency has different consequences for the fetus at different stages of pregnancy. Hypoxia leads to developmental abnormalities, impaired development of the embryo in early pregnancy. Oxygen starvation leads to growth retardation, damage to the central nervous system, reduces the adaptive capacity of the newborn in the later stages of pregnancy.
Fetal hypoxia is not an independent disease, as a consequence of various pathological processes in the mother, fetus and placenta. The duration of the current labor, hypoxia can be acute (sudden developed) and chronic, which develops over time. Acute fetal hypoxia during labor more often, at least - during pregnancy. Chronic hypoxia develops during pregnancy.