Diet after a cesarean section
Allowed to drink mineral water without gas in the first day after surgery. You can add the lemon juice. On the second day diet is growing - you can eat cereal, low-fat soup, boiled meat, sweet tea. On the third day possible nutrition - are excluded from the diet of only those products that are not recommended during breast-feeding. After about a day after the operation is assigned enema to normalize bowel function.
The attending physician decides when you can be discharged home. Usually, an ultrasound of the uterus is made on the 5th day after surgery and on day 6 removed the brackets or stitches. Discharge from hospital can be for 6-7 days after caesarean section at a safe during the postoperative period.
Try to relax as much as possible, having left home. Special attention and assistance required by family members who can take over part of the household chores. After all, weakness, fatigue, pain in the joints will persist for some time after the operation.