Special exercises in the breech

The simplest complex: a rotated side to side after 10 minutes 3-4 times, lying on the couch. Do this exercise three times a day. Rotation of the fetus usually occurs during the first week.

The slope of the pelvis. Another option exercises. Running on empty stomach. Need to lie on your back with the pelvis elevated by 20-30 cm with respect to the head. Stay in this position for at least 5 minutes but no more than 15 minutes. With this technique, the force of gravity pushes and rotates the head of the fetus on the bottom of the uterus, and the child often takes place in the cephalic presentation.

Do this exercise two times a day for 10 minutes for 2 - 3 weeks, starting from 32 weeks. Studies show that this method is effective in 88-96% of cases.