What is dangerous for a breech baby

The fetus is usually turned head down at 28 - 32 weeks. There are techniques that increase the likelihood of such a rotation. They can be used after a period of 29 - 30 weeks, after consultation with a doctor watching you.

Half of all breech births are vaginal delivery. Typically, several criteria are considered when deciding on the spontaneous birth of the fetus in breech presentation, although there are different opinions about the exact definition of these terms.

You have more chance of successful delivery in breech presentation, with the following:

- The fruit of pure breech (feet raised straightened up)
- Do you already have one or more birth vaginally
- The fruit is not assessed as excessive
- You do not have abnormalities of the pelvis or the uterus

Caesarean section is preferable in some cases, the breech. Your doctor will help determine the best option.