Pregnancy week by week - 34 weeks of pregnancy
34th week of pregnancy is part of one where the mother and child are becoming more and more weight, but different scale. Most women find it very difficult to breathe during this period, due to the size of the uterus compressing the other organs of the body. The uterus is also starting to put pressure on the diaphragm, making it difficult for the expansion of the lungs a deep breath. As the baby descends into the pelvis, during these last weeks of pregnancy, the pressure gradually decreases. Thus, to sleep you can support the body with pillows, so as to suffer less pressure on the lungs.
If breathing difficulty persists or if you have asthma, you should consult your doctor. Will seek to prevent or stop premature labor that begins before the 34th week of pregnancy, because babies born prematurely may have health problems. A healthy lifestyle and regular visits to your dentist are useful for detecting the possibility of a premature birth. If such a case arose, it would be difficult or impossible to stop the phenomenon, especially if the mother has vaginal bleeding or rupture of the amniotic membrane. If you feel well and healthy at the moment, you can continue living your pregnancy without problems until your last month.
Development of the baby
The baby measures about 38 to 45 cm and weighs about 2kg500. Note that these data vary from child to child. Baby's body begins to fill with layers of fat, which help regulate body temperature and adjust to the atmosphere outside the womb. Most bodies are mature with the exception of their lungs, who continue to practice breathing in amniotic fluid, an activity that often causes hiccups of it. His hair is growing increasingly and learns to make better use of his eyes. The baby may become angry at the ultrasound because of the light disturbing his sleep, and is using his hands to keep out the light beam. The baby is growing chubby fingers and nails are finally mature facial features are sharper.
At that time he should turn around and put his head down, ready for birth. This fact will be closely monitored by your doctor, as some babies change position before birth, which in extreme cases require caesarean section to avoid injuring the baby.
Changing the body of the mother
The height of the uterus is about 13 cm above the navel, but this is only indicative, as this can vary from woman to woman. The amount of amniotic fluid in the uterus tends to reach its peak between the 34th and 36th week of pregnancy and decrease last week, leaving more space for the child. You can feel the navel to grow and become extremely sensitive about it you can cover with a bandage or dressing. The baby made jolts while moving, which causes an increase in acidity of the stomach which caused heartburn. The solution would be to make snacks six to seven times a day instead of three large ones. Your hands and face, and ankles and feet are swollen due to water retention or edema due to some, but these symptoms will be reduced, due to high water consumption and often. However, if the swelling is exaggerated, followed by a headache, abnormal, call the doctor because it could be preeclampsia. This disease indicating a disorder of the placenta may occur in the last weeks of pregnancy. This condition is serious swelling are accompanied by dizziness or vomiting.
You've followed prenatal classes, and your practitioner will tell you the three stages of labor. The baby begins when the cervix dilates and it is urgent to get to the hospital when contractions are selected every five minutes with increasing intensity. The second stage of labor is the true birth of the baby with his arrival in the world. The third phase involves the placenta, approximately five to thirty minutes after delivery.
An episiotomy may be necessary if the perineum is not distended enough or if the baby's head is too large to pass through the vagina dilated or if it is in a sitting position (breech). This surgery is performed under local anesthesia and is safe. Side effects may be an infection, hematoma, edema, bleeding, wound healing. To overcome these drawbacks, you must follow an appropriate diet to help your skin to be more resistant, practicing Kegels exercises and apply warm compresses.
A search of group B streptococci may be made by your dentist, as this can be treated if infection before birth. This is a type of bacterial infection of the bladder which can cause premature labor if it is not treated in time.