Types of birth causes injury, the treatment of birth injuries

Birth injuries

"Going through the birth canal during delivery, the baby may have a prejudice against the birth canal, or instruments used to facilitate delivery, is termed as birth injuries."

The causes of birth injuries ...

- Trauma birth trauma or birth may occur when the baby is big in size to move to the birth canal
Overweight babies *, more than 4 kg.
- Premature babies as premature baby is not well developed may be injured.
- Disproportion Cephalo basin: the baby's head is large compared with the mother's pelvis.
- Difficulty in work, namely dystocia.
- Prolonged labor, due to poor uterine contraction causes birth injuries.
- The mismanagement of the second stage of labor causes harm to the child.
- The breech presentation, shoulder presentation, etc.
- Insufficient or poor prenatal care can cause birth injury.
- Excessive force used to facilitate external delivery also causes birth injury.

Child injuries are common or birth

Caput: severe swelling of soft tissues of the scalp, while the baby through the birth canal. Babies born with vacuum extraction usually develops caput caput and disappears after a few days.

Cerebral palsy: a birth injury occurs when the brain is damaged and it refers to any movement disorders related to the body.

Cephalohematoma or head injury: bleeding occurs between the bones of the scalp due to injury at birth. This seems like a bit after several hours of delivery. Depending on the severity of injuries, he is cured in a week or two weeks is healed when the body reabsorbs the blood bleeding.

Bruising or forceps injury in the newborn: hematomas appeared on the face and the surface of the baby's body when the body is more compressed maternal pelvis. Baby can also get the brand of the clamp on the face and body when forceps are used to assist delivery.

Subconjunctival hemorrhage: what is the bleeding occurs in the eye due to rupture of small vessels in the eye. The red ring is formed around the iris, and it disappears after a week or two.

Facial paralysis: paralysis of facial muscles occurs when the facial nerves are compressed during delivery. Paralysis of facial muscles is absorbed when baby cries, it can move from one side and the muscles can not close an eye on the paralyzed side. If this is a slight compression of the nerve with bruises, no need of treatment and type of birth injury is healed in a few days.

Brachial palsy: is a birth injury while nerve shoulder (brachial plexus) is compressed during labor and the baby is unable to move, bending and rotation of the hand. This birth injury occurs when prolonged or difficult labor called shoulder dystocia. If the nerve is severely damaged, kind attention is necessary and special exercises to do after a few days. Get can take three to four months. Physiotherapy is effective in treating brachial paralysis and surgery is necessary in some cases.

Hip dysplasia: a dislocated leg Basin. A careful examination and observation is needed to treat the injury at birth the child walks.

Fractures of the newborn: broken collarbone or clavicle fracture is more common as a birth injury. When in difficult delivery of the shoulder, this fracture may occur. Baby does not move or movement is limited in the affected side. The capital is formed at the site of injury has healed and when the bone grows in a few weeks. To avoid pain, limiting movement of the hand and splint application is necessary.

The common birth injuries or trauma.