When should you consult your doctor?
When your breasts are red, hot and sore for 24 hours, you have a fever and chills, and aching you feel as if you had the flu.
When you do not milk a week after giving birth.
Breastfeeding the baby is not always easy, especially the first weeks after birth. Breastfeeding women require certain qualities that have traditionally learned their mother. Today, many women do not have the chance to see women breastfeed their babies before they have to do it themselves.
The result: a mother might not know how to place her baby on her breast. If the mother puts her baby in a bad light, it does not suckle her nipples properly and that the will suffer. As the mother will not understand the needs of her baby, as well as his own, it can not empty her breasts during each feeding enough.
This phenomenon of breastfeeding can cause a discharge of milk and cause waterlogging and nipple pain. The ducts may also crash if the breast is engorged. A blocked duct can become infected, a condition known as mastitis. Mastitis is manifested by a red lump, hard and sensitive in her breast, and is accompanied by fever and aches as during a flu.
Poor breastfeeding techniques are not the only cause problems. Stress and fatigue can also disrupt the flow of milk.
Relief of symptoms
Most breastfeeding problems are relieved easily with a little know-how.
Try ointments. An ointment for the breast-counter helps relieve irritation and crevices without causing danger to the child.
Warm your breasts. If your breasts are engorged and sore, it could be a blocked milk duct. You can solve this problem by immersing your breasts in a basin of hot water for 5 minutes. Or, cover your breasts with a cloth moistened with warm water to encourage the flow of milk.
Wear a good bra. A bra that would put pressure on the milk ducts and disrupt the flow may cause congestion and possible infection. Check the fit of your bra and try not to sleep on your stomach for too long.
Use your own milk. Ease and strengthen sore nipples between feedings by applying a thin layer of your own milk and letting it air dry. Breast milk has therapeutic properties. To accelerate drying, use a hair dryer on low speed.
Relax and unwind. Rest and relaxation are absolutely essential to allow good flow of milk. You must build your strength and eliminate sources of stress. Let someone else comfort the baby from time to time. Let dad play with her newborn.
Make your life. When the baby has finished feeding, insert your finger into the corner of his mouth. You will be able to stop sucking and you will prevent soreness.
Trust your baby. A day or two after birth, your milk will accumulate in your breasts naturally, replacing the initial yellowish secretions. Generally, breast-feeding from both breasts for a suck and let your baby suck as much as he wants. Do not be afraid to not feed him enough.
Anxiety can reduce the amount of milk. Breastfeeding is a natural phenomenon. The breast provides the baby wants to take. If you wash more than six diapers a day during the first weeks and the baby is gaining weight is that you produce enough milk.
Stand aside. Change in nursing position, lie on the side by placing the baby on the bed for example, can distribute pressure on the nipples and relieves soreness.