Sexuality after childbirth

After delivery, when a woman can resume sexual relations?

Doctors tend to say that a woman must wait three weeks to resume a sex life.

In practice, the cervix is open during childbirth and it does not close immediately. Sex could pose risks of infections, because microbes could easily go up into the uterus. The woman bleeds for a while and most couples wait until the bleeding cease to love again. For women who have had an episiotomy or perineal tear, or a caesarean section, it can be really bad, and we must wait for healing to occur. Otherwise, force themselves can induce a very negative reaction to the result of sexual life. If a woman suffers for love, his desire is very difficult to go back ...

Does return of desire mean that the birth of a child block sexual desire?

Yes and it's automatic. It is a hormonal process. After childbirth, the pituitary gland does not function as usual. The woman has much less estrogen. This causes vaginal dryness and no sexual desires for 4 to 5 weeks. And this happens in all women. Do not worry about it, nor force, but respect this time intended by nature, perhaps to rest after exercise!

Breastfeeding did affect the couple's sexuality?

Yes. On the hormone, a nursing mother sees her desire blocked, such as those who do not breastfeed. But this decrease in libido lasts about 3 months when breastfeeding because the hormone prolactin, which is necessary for lactation is stimulated. However, it has an inhibitory effect on desire. If a woman is breastfeeding more than 3 months, his desire is gradually returning, although she continues to breastfeed because prolactin secretion is gradually weakened.

Some men love to see their woman with large breasts. They find more women. If the woman is happy and fulfilled, she may feel to take a lot of confidence in it if she said, "My body is wonderful to have given birth to this extraordinary being that is our child. It is sometimes extremely positive.
Other men have an eye on changing the mother of their child. It is no longer a lover for them, but they see it as a mother, a Madonna. And it is harder to want a mother. Also there are men who see their libido decrease more than their wives.

And male sexuality after childbirth? Breastfeeding is not the only change that occurs ...

It is true that a woman is breastfeeding or not, her man can see it now as a mother, and this is normal since it has become a mom. What is annoying is when it conflicts with his ability to see it as a lover.

Some men have difficulty having sex because they have seen their suffering wife during childbirth and it has marked. They may feel the cause of this pain because it is the child they have two who came into the world, this causes pain. Too much empathy may be a problem. They do not want to have sex for fear of another pregnancy so more suffering for their wives.

There are also cases where a test after intercourse when the woman was wrong, because an episiotomy not yet healed, for example, they no longer dare to offer him to make love.

And then there are fathers who are completely focused on the baby and abandon their wives!

This is behavior not as rather feminine?

Yes, it's true. Some women do not feel like making love, body and heart are busy with their child. Mothering, cuddles, time spent doing their attention shifts and their child becomes the center of their world, ejecting their man in the periphery. That's when the man to keep his place for protest!

Adviser for the delivery goes well after sexually?

- First inform women that a decrease in desire of one to three months is perfectly normal and not indicative of a problem.
- Never force when it hurts.
- Reeducate the perineum.
- Take time for intimacy in his marriage.