Week 32 of pregnancy

Starting this week the 32nd of pregnancy, baby gradually took its traits of infants, while you do one of the last points with your doctor - or your midwife - before delivery!

32 weeks of pregnancy: Where is baby?

From week 32 of your pregnancy, your baby's skin became pink but is still wrinkled! Today it measures about forty inches and over 2 pounds. He has now pretty much nails that have grown in recent weeks. He sees the difference between darkness and light but starts to feel a little cramped in the womb! He can hear you better, so continue to communicate regularly with baby.

His bones are also continuing to form - your baby uses a lot of calcium - like his brain. Make sure to choose the right foods, especially those rich in calcium!

However, the bones of his skull are not yet strong to facilitate childbirth.

32 weeks of pregnancy and mother's body part?

During the eighth month of pregnancy, you may feel contractions. If they are not regular, not to worry. However, if they are regular, the work may have begun and it's time to head for motherhood.

Supply side, the 32 weeks of pregnancy is the perfect time to eat without restriction of products containing calcium. The goal: strengthen the bones of your child. However, you may grow a little more than in previous months. The last quarter is known for the emergence of new pounds: Baby pushes you to make fat.

As surely as you find your vaginal discharge are more important than in previous weeks.

Once your 32 weeks of pregnancy, it is very possible that you start to make many dreams associated with childbirth. Your body prepares you well at this time approaching week after week. You alternate between dreams surely fun and distressing dreams. Moreover, you think more and more to the arrival of Baby and you find yourself regularly you imagine to feed Baby, give a bath or even change it. That's it: you're ready to welcome baby!

32 weeks of pregnancy: approaches to remember!

Your last day of work before your maternity leave is fast approaching! During the 32nd week of pregnancy, you have an appointment for the 6th required medical examination. Following this interview, your gynecologist will deliver a statement of work to be completed by your employer and send to Social Security.

As with other prenatal tests, your doctor will weigh you, take your blood pressure and you will pass a urine test to check glucose levels and albumin. He will also check the baby's heart rate and review your neck. It is possible that during this examination, your doctor a radio program of the basin to ensure that your baby has enough room to get out during childbirth.

32 weeks of pregnancy: did you know?

Pregnancy is a time to vaginal yeast infections. The culprit: candida albicans, a fungus. Signs of vaginal yeast infections are usually heavy white discharge and itching. Do not worry, these ills of pregnancy can be treated very well today. Consult your doctor who will prescribe an ointment or ovule. More little trick: to prevent or treat a vaginal yeast infection, prefer cotton underwear and avoid tight clothing such as tights.