Week 40 of pregnancy

Your pregnancy comes to an end and this week 40 of pregnancy, we talk about the payment terms. You will not soon lose the mucus plug, which will announce the birth! Stay relaxed and pamper yourself ...

40 weeks of pregnancy your baby eventually evolve

During this week 40 of pregnancy, Baby came at the end of its growth. Its size is about 50 cm and its weight varies between 3 and 3.3 kg.

His reflexes are coordinated and a blackish substance (meconium) has accumulated in his intestines. It is made by the swallowing of amniotic fluid during pregnancy. Will be eliminated after birth in the first stool.

Baby was due last week, speaking from the 40th week of pregnancy beyond term. Your doctor may have decided to induce labor.

During childbirth, to be held during the week 40 of pregnancy, the contractions will push your body to your baby cervix. It is triggered by the pressure head Baby will allow the cervix of the uterus. The bones of his skull is not completely solid, the skull can be reduced to about one centimeter. Baby will attempt to facilitate its release by sticking his chin against his body to take up as little space as possible.

40 weeks of pregnancy your body too!

You enter your 40th week of pregnancy and you will give birth to one day to another. Between fatigue and nausea, your body makes you feel. You may also lose the mucus plug, the substance that lies at the entrance of the cervix and protects the fetus from infections. This loss is most often a harbinger of an imminent delivery and late pregnancy.
During this week 40 of pregnancy, you move becomes very difficult. You really wanted that baby pointing the tip of his nose ... Take care of yourself: do you massage, coat of cream you take the time to make a scrub ... You'll spend less time!

You would normally have to deliver during week 39 of pregnancy, your doctor may have decided to induce labor. Anyway, one thing is certain, you will give birth to a minute to the next. So watch closely the signs of early labor. Regular contractions (within 10 minutes at a stretch) and loss of water, Baby is no longer sterile and you are about to give birth. Equipped with your bag, head to motherhood.

40 weeks of pregnancy: the final steps to follow

During the 39th week of pregnancy, most of the steps will take place when you come to motherhood. Indeed, you will be brought to your arrival to complete a number of administrative documents. You will then be supported by the medical team will carry out several tests such as a urine test or taking a temperature. It will then check the status of your neck and, according to its expansion, you will install or not in a room until the time of delivery. It is also possible that your midwife can prescribe a laxative to empty your rectum and that you shave bikini line to facilitate the vision of the perineum.

It will then take your troubles patiently ... Cervical dilatation takes an average of 8 am to 5 against a first child for a second. The delivery will take place when your cervix is sufficiently dilated.

40 weeks of pregnancy: Did you know?

Panic at home! While Baby is about to happen, Dad's car no longer works for several days! Know that if you decide to ask a taxi to take you to the hospital, social security should you pay down the amount of the race. To do this, nothing more simple, you just ask the taxi driver a bill.