Baby's first months: Weeks 1, 2, 3, 4

First week of your baby

1 week, health Mom: After delivery, first aid cover proper healing of the episiotomy, if you had one. Be sure to clean and dry the scar every time you go to the bathroom ...

1 week, baby: Your baby is crying, a sign that all is well. The respiratory, blood, heart start up immediately. The umbilical cord is cut, sometimes by the father and the baby is placed against you ...

1 week, tips: Natural Childbirth or cesarean, you will be tired. The priority is to relax. A good way is to reduce the number of visits to sleep and recover faster ...

Second week of your baby

Week 2, Health Mom: You have decided to breastfeed, but you have problems? Do not give up either. It is not uncommon to know crevices, or engorgement breastfeeding painful ...

Week 2, Baby: You will find that your baby is doing everything to be in contact with you. By skin to skin, your smell, your voice, through breastfeeding possible, you contact him ...

Week 2, tips: As from 70 to 80% of new mothers, you may suffer from a very legitimate baby blues. It results in uncontrolled crying, mood swings, feelings of loneliness ...

Third week of your baby

Week 3, Health Mom: If you want to resume sexual intercourse before the rules were resurfaced, you should use a contraceptive. Better to not leave anything to chance, and enjoy your stay ...

Week 3, Baby: This weekend, your baby has taken his birth weight. Its growth rate corresponds to a weight gain of about 105 to 210 grams a week until the age of 4 months ...

Week 3 tips: Aged almost a month, your baby is big enough to do real walks outside. This is the time to learn to portage. Here are some tips to optimize porting of your child ...

Fourth week of your baby

Week 4 Mum Health: To resume physical activity and slowly acclimate your baby to the outside world, made a long walk daily. Your perineum has been weakened ...

4 week, Baby: You may have noticed: he cries often. This is normal because the cries are its chief means of communication with you. 5 call types were identified: the hunger ...

Week 4 tips: To limit the spleen of the baby at dusk, it is important to reassure him. Depending on your baby, you will manage to calm him either talking softly or singing lullabies or rocking him in her arms ...