The mother and child are an entity biologically and emotionally, the mother receives from her child's signals that lead to love, to care for and protect him. From an anthropological point of view, the existence of this entity from mother to child was indispensable to the survival of the species.
In animals, the first mother-infant contact is controlled by a series of instinctive programs specific to each species. In mammals, one of these programs is the instinctive and quick search of the breast to suckle. We do not yet know what causes a baby to breastfeed, but to suppose that the sense of touch of the child plays an important role, and the sight and smell. It is interesting that mammals are born with closed eyes are probably much more dependent on their sense of smell than those with open eyes at birth.
In most mammals, the fact that the mother has her little beside her during the hours after birth is crucial for recognition by the small maternal. In many species, when little was taken from the mother immediately after birth, it will be rejected by him when she will. Behavior "mothering" seems to be under hormonal control, the rate is very high oxytocin during labor, and this hormone appears to play an important role in the creation of the mother-child bond.
When a newborn healthy is placed against the mother's chest immediately after birth, and when shall refrain from any action likely to disturb, we can observe in the child a series of behaviors that the 'lead him to find the breast and take approximately 1 hour after birth. When it went well, and after the first cry, the child is usually quiet. After a while, it becomes more active and alert, he opens his eyes and begins to move my arms. About 30 minutes after birth, it begins to wear his hands to his mouth and sucking movements have, which are becoming increasingly important. Then he starts looking for the breast.
Some authors still believe that the "sensitive period" observed in other mammals does not exist in humans, despite studies of increasing number showing the contrary. For example, studies have shown that if the child was placed against the skin of his mother immediately after birth and for a while, the mother is breastfeeding longer and behave more "mothering" than when it was separated from her child. Moreover, the fact that the child touches the nipples of her mother shortly after birth seems to accelerate the creation of mother-child bond. The results of recent studies show that this sensitive period does exist, and that period during which the mother is particularly sensitive to skin contact with the child and sucking the nipples is also the period during which the infant is biologically programmed to try to breastfeed and to breastfeed. Admittedly, this period is not the only time that the mother can focus on her child. But why deny a mother and her newborn child the possibility to immediately create a strong and rewarding for both, when there is absolutely no medical reason requiring a separation?
The child is born with a number of capacities. Besides being able to find only the breast after an hour, a newborn turns his head toward the sound. The child has learned in pregnancy to know the voice of his mother, and studies have shown that the acknowledged after birth. It also seems to recognize the voice of his father. The newborn can also imitate facial expressions, which implies that it can differentiate to replicate. It was also found that infants quickly recognize the smell of his mother.
The child knows right from birth also show signs of hunger: he sucking movements, raises his hand to his mouth, turns his head looking breast. If these signals are not recognized, it will start to cry for attention. It is important not to let him cry long, because in this case it is often too agitated to be allowed to breastfeed. When a young infant is placed against the mother's womb, it is often impatient, and turns his head in all directions in search of the breast, mouth open, in a disorderly manner, as if he could not find the nipple. This "prelude" seems to play a role of nipple stimulation to prepare them for nursing. When the nipple "spring" enough, usually the child opens his mouth wide, flatten his tongue, and take well to the breast.
He would not come to the idea of most breeders to mingle small at the breast, or remove them. Unfortunately, there is a belief among caregivers deeply rooted it is necessary to help children take the breast. Their attempts to "help" usually have the effect of disrupting the child, or even make him refuse to latch on. This belief probably dates from the time the newborn was systematically separated from his mother at birth, and kept arbitrarily nursery for a longer or shorter, making it impossible for children to develop their natural skills to take the breast .
When the child begins to nurse, serum oxytocin increases almost immediately (it can even start to increase before the child takes the breast). Oxytocin induces milk ejection. It was also found in the mother a lower rate of somatostatin and increased gastrin levels and insulin. These hormones have the effect of optimizing metabolism: mobilization of fat reserves, better utilization of food intake. The act of sucking in children also triggers the secretion of various hormones. An early first feed will likely result in triggering intestinal peristalsis, accelerating the removal of amniotic fluid in the stomach contents, and to facilitate nutrient absorption. Studies have shown that premature babies fed by gavage had better growth when given regularly to suck a lollipop.
Milk secretion is controlled by many factors. It begins after birth the child is not placed within or under the influence of a biological program. The suction is essential for future development.
Each feeding induced a peak of prolactin. It seems that the frequency of breastfeeding plays a significant role in the abundance of milk secretion. Hormones of breastfeeding also an emotional impact on the mother, and strengthen the bond between mother and child. Most mothers feel a sense of peace, drowsiness. when their children head. This impact can be considered a natural way to encourage the mother-child bond, and focus on the mother her child. Studies have shown that mothers who breastfed were more sensitive to signals from the child, and lived most of the fact spend much time taking care of him than mothers who were not breastfeeding.