After delivery, you must be very careful about your personal hygiene. For your toilet you will have a neutral pH soap (buy it before entering the clinic or hospital). It is good to make a toilet after each urination (if you go very often: every two times).


These contractions who maintain the uterus.

The trenches are relatively painless for a first child, they become more intense when it comes to a second or third child. If the mother starts to breastfeed her baby, the contractions are stronger, and the uterus shrinks faster. After 2 days, the uterus will have the size of a grapefruit. Then, the uterus involutes of a centimeter a day. After about 15 days, it is no longer palpable.

The vagina takes several weeks to recover its initial shape. It regains its tone through the rehabilitation of the perineum. As has been extensively irrigated in estrogen during pregnancy, it is found deficient after birth, so it is possible to experience vaginal dryness or burning sensation (feel free to use a lubricant when you recommence to have sex).

If you had an episiotomy

It will take you to do your personal hygiene yourself, several times a day, even if you made 2 times a day. Indeed the stitches are placed in a location that is at that time still wet. Now, to heal well, it must be dry as often as possible.

After soaped and rinsed, it must be dry. By blotting with paper, or a hair dryer which is very handy for this but be careful if you have hemorrhoids because they do not like the heat and in this case it is best avoided.

Some school tell you to put on the eosin your points, it helps dry them well. All do not use it.

If you have not had an episiotomy

It is not required to do as many restrooms, but it is still recommended to do regularly to stay clean. Often you will have what are known as galling, they are not tears but small wounds made by the passage of the baby's head and rubbing against your tissues. They heal very well but can sometimes cause small burns during urination, do not worry it will all go very quickly.

The lochia

In general, these losses will be monitored regularly by the midwife who will verify their color and smell to detect any possible infection. Do not rush to throw your napkin in the trash when it arrives as it will be forced to pick her up (ask the midwife on its first pass).

Your losses will be for 2 to 3 days red and more abundant than the rules then they will become pink and then brown until it disappears after some time, this varies greatly women (seven to ten days on average, but this may drag on for several weeks).


After delivery, you'll be exhausted and it is normal! You spent a lot of energy.

Moreover, after the baby is born, you'll have trouble sleeping: the baby will not sleep through the night, and visits will tire you.

Advice: do not hesitate to entrust your baby to the nursery for the night if you feel this will help you relax. Ask your spouse to ensure that visits from family and friends are not too long, and ask them not to come too many at once (you can also ask the midwives to screen visitors) . Pick up the phone when you want to rest.


You may be constipated for 2 to 3 days after delivery. Eventually, the midwife will give you something to help.

Note: any stitches from an episiotomy can have that you should not stop you from going to the bathroom, they will not release during a flare.


It is very common to have after giving birth because the thrust force for the expulsion bring them out, especially in ordinary times you. For those who have never been, know that they do not always come out.

It's not pleasant and you will be given in puerperium what the cure: a cream or tablets depending on the size of them. Hemorrhoids are caused by a blood circulation problem. This is why sometimes when they are important they give you pills for blood circulation.

Do not worry, they always leave.

The return of menses

Called menarche and after childbirth.

Sometimes there is a mini menses two weeks after giving birth, do not worry this is quite common.

If you do not breastfeed your menses will usually in the month following the birth of your baby.

If you are breastfeeding, it will be later. If you breastfeed 100%, it may occur many months after birth (but not systematic).

Consider talking with your gynecologist contraception clinic, or one who follows you. Attention, breastfeeding is not an effective contraceptive.


You'll have to wait a few months before the rebuild. Indeed, it must first consolidate your perineum by perineal if your doctor considers it necessary, before you consider doing abdominal exercises. Do not touch it for at least two to three months after the birth of your baby.

Baby blues

It is quite common though one says and it is quite normal to feel a moment of postpartum blues. It is often due to the fall of hormones, and the fact that you will have to get used to what your baby is with you and not you. Fatigue still present after childbirth does not help matters. And always smile because it is supposed to be happy after the birth of her child when she is tired, it's not always easy.

But know that it exists does not mean that they must be provided moping. We must think of rest and if it really is not going to talk to caregivers, they can help you.

Some schools organize meetings for mothers after birth, so you can ask questions to midwives and nurses. Feel free to enjoy.