How can I reduce the intensity of pain during childbirth?

There are several methods.

1. Auditory training. When a person keeps repeating the same phrase, his body begins to believe that the person is saying. Need to remember a few rules. First, the phrase should be in present tense. Second, it is impossible to use a phrase containing the particle 'no'. Examples of invalid sentences - I was not hurt, I'm not afraid. Examples of correct phrases - I am calm, I am completely relaxed. You will feel great relief, as only learn to relax.
2. Visualization. Visualization - a process of bright pictorial representation of something in order to achieve any goals. This method is for you if you have developed creative thinking, and you are able to visualize vivid images. Once you start to dream about something, your body thinks you has already happened, and behave accordingly. For example, imagine that you have - the flower bud, which is about to bloom. Or imagine that you're on the beach, near the roaring surf and the sun is shining brightly. The main thing that it was a positive way. Once the body is tuned to a wave of positive - it will produce endorphins (happy hormones). Endorphins are natural painkillers fine.
3. Proper breathing. Proper breathing - mortgage painless and healthy birth. When will the second stage of labor, and attempts to join the clashes - do not relax. At this time a woman becomes much easier. If you push the right - you will feel significant relief. Nature has equipped you with everything you need to delivery went smoothly. You must remember and repeat all the time.

The main purpose of pain - to warn that something somewhere is wrong. Try to change the attitude to pain. That pain will tell you what needs to be done safely during labor. It will remind you that you need to relax, to release the child, what position to take, and more.