How can self-identify fetal hypoxia?
You can choose to identify fetal hypoxia, observing the changes in fetal motor activity. In the initial stage, there is a restless behavior of the fetus, acceleration and intensification of morsification.
The weakening of fetal movements occur after prolonged or progressive hypoxia. Reduced fetal movements (up to 3 in 1 hour) is a sign of the suffering of the fetus and cause for immediate consultation of a physician and an additional survey: CTG (cardiotocography) and Doppler, amniocentesis, etc.
Cardiotocography (CTG) and Doppler are the most accurate and informative methods of fetal assessment. At birth, the main criterion for fetal hypoxia is a violation of his heart, so cardiac monitor observation of the fetus is widely used in childbirth.
One sign of fetal hypoxia is meconium staining of amniotic fluid (cal newborn) - the water turns green. This feature is only relevant when fetal cephalic presentation.