Disorders and pain after childbirth

Childbirth is the great emotion that concludes the adventure of pregnancy.
Great joy for parents, but also fatigue for mom.
At this fatigue well justified, are added a number of inconveniences and disorders that tend to disappear quickly.

Disorders and postpartum discomforts:

About half of all births is accompanied by the practice of episiotomy, an incision of the perineum to facilitate the transition of the child during childbirth.

This incision painless because the mother is still under the anesthetic is then the subject of stitches more or less numerous immediately after the birth of the child.

Points which can then be the source of discomfort especially in the sitting position of the mother because of the son.

A careful hygiene is imperative. The toilet must be made using a special soap for personal hygiene. Drying should also be meticulous and be done with a hair dryer including the first day.

In case of severe pain to sit, the young mother can be installed on a buoy (buoys similar to children's pool) for greater comfort.

The wire used for suturing points episiotomy is usually absorbable and therefore do not require specific intervention. If one or more points significantly impede, the mother should talk to her gynecologist during his visit postpartum.

Childbirth is sometimes accompanied by attacks of hemorrhoids very unpleasant.

Hemorrhoids can occur during the last period of pregnancy when the weight of the baby weighed in part on the group of blood vessels that supplies blood to the last part of the intestine. But hemorrhoids can also occur after childbirth, following extensive and pressure of the child's head in passing, causing discomfort, pain that can make sitting difficult.

These disorders affect many women after pregnancy.
The gynecologist or doctor will prescribe the specific application of cream.

A balanced diet is also advised not spicy.

The headache is one of the disorders that frequently occur immediately after delivery. During the expulsion phase, in fact, excessive tension of muscles of the neck causes a headache that will be treated by analgesic.

Labor during childbirth in fact requires an expenditure of energy the body burns, and glucose disposal. Hypoglycemia can then be found which can cause headaches.

An appropriate diet will allow the mother to recharge his body.

The epidural, local anesthesia, it can also cause headaches. During the execution of anesthesia a small leak of cerebrospinal fluid can be seen driving down the pressure inside the skull. Headaches can then take several days to remedy it is advisable to drink plenty of water (2 liters more than the normal consumption) to allow the body to restore normal pressure.

Back pain:
The effort required during the working phase during delivery engages all the muscles. The back is undoubtedly the body part that suffers the most stress during pregnancy and childbirth.

Yoga, stretching or swimming are activities that allow pregnant women to prepare for childbirth and can avoid the pain too intense in the back.

The bladder pain:
During the first few hours after delivery, the new mother may have difficulty urinating. This bladder pain is due to the demands of relapses and contractions of the uterus. The episiotomy adds to the discomfort. The absence of urination, however, should not extend beyond 7 or 8 hours.

The breast pain:
If a few hours after delivery the breast is a little tight, warm and slightly painful, nothing alarming. Hangovers are the signal that the breast is preparing baby food and breast milk production, which usually occurs two or three days after delivery.

The rupture of vessels:
The rupture of the vessels is the result of the effort exerted during pushing. This fact is particularly evident in the eye: the vessels supplying the white of the eye are the finest and therefore most vulnerable to increases in pressure.

After a few days everything will be restored.