Find a new balance after childbirth ...

Following childbirth, many women focus all their attention and energy on their little baby, to the detriment of their social and personal life ...

Between stress caused by childbirth, the physical changes and resulting fatigue, a young mother does not necessarily have the time to rest. Especially we must organize the return home and settle all practical issues ... However, it is vital to preserve the small brackets "welfare", just for you. They also help to recover better.

Find a new equilibrium after the baby arrives
The return of menses and the abrupt hormonal changes cause fatigue, temporary depression, baby blues, low energy, breast pain ... This set of symptoms is a must for all young mothers who must take time to recover and s 'used to these changes passengers ...

Start a new life with your baby and also a new organization ... At first you will encounter some difficulties to complete your tasks and will seem to be overwhelmed by all these new responsibilities. Feeling absolutely natural and shared lots of moms.

After several weeks of maternity leave, it may be time to head back to work. For many of you, this is to overcome the guilt of leaving your baby. A normal feeling that you will quickly exceed: a professional life is perfectly compatible with the job of mom, just a little learning ...

Cultivate your social life, it's good for you, for your pet and your child. So, accept invitations from friends and enjoy these moments. Delegate your responsibilities for a few hours. And, above all, do not feel guilty.

The importance of keeping a social life

Becoming a mother should not cut yourself from the outside world and your old habits. It is important to maintain a link with your friends and significant others. Many mothers make the mistake of becoming isolated exclusively devoted to their new life ... In this case, the return to normal life can be very tricky and can dig a ditch with your surroundings.

While the temptation to stay close to baby is large, try to take advantage of different opportunities that arise out of you: a coffee with friends or discuss with others in the same situation you will distract you and you change your mind ...

For a few hours or even for the afternoon, feel free to leave your baby when his dad to one of your relatives (parent, friend ...). Many young fathers are often at a loss to be just that little fragile. This is an opportunity to put them to work and change of air by giving you some small pleasures (hairdresser, shopping ...).

Preserve his life as a woman

Femininity is severely tested during pregnancy and weight gain that accompanies it also affects the morale ... however you do not need to immediately plan. Give yourself time to rest especially. It is important to you gradually regain your body through a balanced diet, beauty treatments, massages ...

In married life, there are also some small changes: baby is in the center of attention and an exclusive relationship with him is created naturally, especially at first. The father may feel left out of this complicity ... A constant dialogue with the spouse is important to install a new equilibrium at three in the house.

Childbirth causes a decreased libido. The return to a normal sex life is very gradual. The first reports were made after three weeks on average ... The most important is to preserve some privacy in your marriage and two moments of tenderness with hugs and gestures of affection, even if your sexuality is experiencing a break.