Managing return to work
Your maternity leave is coming to an end and it is time to resume the way to work ... to entrust your baby to a nanny or a nursery is a difficult one for moms. A little preparation is required.
After maternity leave, many mothers dread the return to work and separation from their babies. You must deal with new habits like living at the rate of breastfeeding, bottles and sleeping newborn ... For a successful return to work, you better organize during pregnancy, to anticipate any feeling of "spillover"
Successfully manage the return to work in practice
When giving birth, most moms are afraid of not knowing combine family and professional life. Yet the two are perfectly compatible if properly organized. From pregnancy, the choice of childcare (nanny, nursery ...) must be programmed and all other paperwork.
Returning to work, you must theoretically find the same or equivalent position ... To spend more time with your baby, you can resume working part time or even part-time (depending on your age). Another formula: the parental leave (unpaid) which allows new parents to raise their child (for a maximum period of 3 years, suspension of employment contracts) under certain conditions.
Juggle work and family life
requires considerable energy, flawless organization and an iron will. To ensure this last point is very important to create time for fun just for you. Outputs, museum, restaurant, cinema ... or any other activity you enjoy. Consider it an obligation and plan everything like you do for racing or activities of the small.
Ability to reconcile work and breastfeeding
You have returned to work and baby is not weaned yet? Breastfeeding can be reconciled with an active lifestyle. The feed in the morning (before departure) and evening (on your return) are the most important baby. And make reservations for breast milk when you're not there, the breast pump (manual or electric) is a solution
At first, due to stress, you know it difficult to take the first milk. To promote the climbs, choose a quiet and comfortable: gradually, the milk will come naturally ... The manual breast pump is recommended due to its discretion. You can then make reservations no matter where you are.
The Labour Code provides for a reduction of one hour of work (unpaid) during regulation time, for all mothers who breastfeed their babies. This reduction applies for one year after the birth of your child.
Separation from baby: an inevitable step that must be done carefully
Many mothers are afraid to return to work: a sense of guilt comes over you after several weeks of total fusion with your baby ... However, at this age, separation is more difficult for moms: your child for his part, did not realize you are away. It was only eight months he will truly realize that you are not there: a delicate course to take.
Several contact visits (or nursery nurse) are recommended before leaving your child. It is important to establish a relationship of trust so that your baby feels safe. Few hours to adapt in your presence will help him get used ...
Before leaving, take the time to make him understand in simple language the reason for your absence by saying that you will return and get it. A verbal exchange that allows it to be reassured. It was during this period that any blanket or small scarf (your perfume) will become an emotional substitute for baby.