Alleviate the pain of childbirth
Medical approaches
You can benefit from medical interventions when the labor pain becomes unbearable and you feel exhausted. Analgesics are particularly useful when contractions are strong and close together, a work is long or complicated. You can choose to accept or refuse any medical procedure. You can especially learn about these interventions, during your prenatal classes as well as by consulting the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). A growing number of parents in preparing this sense a birth plan.
Pain relievers like Demerol, Nubain and morphine reduce somewhat the perception of pain in women.
Benefits: they promote relaxation between contractions.
Disadvantages: they can cause dizziness, euphoria, nausea and lower blood pressure. Used too early (within 3 cm of dilatation), they can also slow down the work.
The epidural
This type of anesthesia, which is below the breasts to the feet, relieves the pain almost completely contractions.
Advantages: it allows the mother to sleep and experience a moment of respite before the push.
Disadvantages: quite often it causes headache, fever and a drop in blood pressure. It can lengthen the duration of labor (especially when taken before 5 cm dilation), reduce the thrust reflex, increasing the use of vacuum or forceps and risks of caesarean section.
The anesthetic block
This type of anesthesia is made in the vagina and it is up to the ischial spine where it enters the vaginal wall at the spot where the pudendal nerve.
Advantages: this type of anesthesia can relieve pain in part of the thrust.
Disadvantages: the mother feels her baby less, during the push, which can lengthen. This also includes anesthesia tiny risk of broad ligament hematoma, perforation of the rectum and sciatic nerve lesions.
The cesarean
In principle, you can not get a Caesarean section on request. This surgery is only performed when the baby is breech or when the mother saw the complications of childbirth and the health of the mother or baby is compromised. However, caesarean section on request to avoid pain at all costs and stretch marks are on the rise in the U.S., and Brazil, is a popular practice. In Quebec, the tendency emerged and some mothers claim it, without always being aware of the risks associated with the surgery.
Advantages: the mother does not feel the pain of labor as it is anesthetized.
Disadvantages: there are risks of infection and hemorrhage. The mother is recovering, during the first days of the birth of his child. There may also have increased complications in subsequent pregnancies (heavy bleeding, difficulty with the placenta, uterine scar rupture, etc..).