Techniques to bear the pains of childbirth

When we talk about methods to relieve the pain of childbirth, it is generally thought to epidurals. This in effect the most radical, it acts directly on the pain by removing it. Yet epidural analgesia is increasingly criticized by physiologists who keep repeating it disturbs or nullifying the secretion of hormones that regulate a natural birth and involved among other things, to establish the link mother / child and the establishment of breastfeeding.

This fact and a desire to minimize medical intervention during childbirth have developed a whole range of solutions to help mothers cope with the pain, we will list (not exhaustive, it's your supplement):

- Massages, acupressure, pressure-cons ... The touch is crucial during childbirth, a massage administered by the dad and the doula can be an excellent analgesic.

- Freedom of movement. A mother who does not take the epidural is therefore free to move it well! The pain is more bearable when you walk, you can change position as much as you want (when you leave the body open and close a protective cocoon and is created around the mother, most of the time it instinctively chooses the positions that facilitate the work).

- Relaxation therapy, yoga, hypnosis ... so many techniques to relieve pain while relaxing the body, thereby reducing the risk of physical trauma such as aches example.

- Take a bath at body temperature. Not only the water will allow the work to progress more quickly if the disposal occurs when the expansion has already begun, but in addition it has a soothing effect.

- The Bradley Method. This is a technique that involves the dad asking him to pay attention to muscle strain of his wife and reminding them to relax any part of his body, the brushing and massaging it.

- Listening to music. This activity to the neocortex (the most "intellectual" of the brain that should be sought as little as possible during childbirth) at rest, it appeals to emotions, feelings and you can relax.

- Use accessories. The sling, the balloon delivery, etc. are valuable allies of the laboring woman. With the scarf, her partner or doula can reduce muscle tension of the mother by different techniques, the ball can help the expansion and allow the mother to adopt different positions analgesics.

- Preparation for childbirth and support by a doula. Different methods are available to expectant mothers, allowing them to choose a preparation "custom". Furthermore, support by a doula can help to receive quality support to learn to cope with pain and no longer feared.