Birth, why it hurts so bad?

The sight of their suffering wife is probably one of the things that destabilize the more men at the time of delivery and that makes them feel useless and helpless. Understand where the pain you must confront your partner may help to better manage it if you decide to be with him at the time of birth.

There are two components to this pain to be taken into account. The first obvious one is physical. The second, more difficult to assess, is emotional, psychological. The understanding will also help the mother to cope better.

Physical factors

Most of the physical pain that your wife will know childbirth is due to cramps and muscle pain, medical examinations and treatment it receives, the movement of the baby coming out.

The muscles of the mother are strained during childbirth, they must work hard. If the uterus is without a doubt one that will be most stressed, those arms, legs and back, will also suffer according to the positions it adopts and fatigue that occur. The uterus is sore like any other muscle subjected to high intensity during long time. The lactic acid accumulates in the muscle. Cramps occur and this is what makes them so painful contractions. Exactly the same way as when you play sports too long without training.

Medical examinations, such as vaginal examinations, treatments such as injections, insertion of an infusion ... are uncomfortable and can cause pain, although less transient and more often. It is helpful if the mother talking with the person who will make her exams, to know what to expect and possibly choose the option they prefer when possible. Although she has no choice, the fact of establishing a trusting relationship with the person who will heal the feeling less stressed and anxious.

Other situations, such as "breech deliveries", due to the baby's position, are difficult to control. But even in these cases, some things can help relieve pain. Massage it, have it change position, help to apply the techniques she has learned in preparation for childbirth. The baby could be encouraged to change position through massage. The epidural will probably be useful too.

Emotional factors

Many emotions, feelings or negative feelings may come and increase the perception of pain.

Fear of pain and / or the unknown, and anxiety, are the main factors. Lack of self confidence, education, dehydration and hunger have the same effect.

Talk to your wife and encourage her throughout labor and delivery, saying it is fine, it comes out like a pro. Have the support of a person they trust and with whom dialogue is easily one of the key factors to face delivery in a good emotional state, reducing feelings of helplessness and fear of the unknown . Before the event, it is good q'elle speaks with women who have had a positive experience of childbirth (avoid those that have had difficult births, it may well give him an even better black childbirth This is the opposite of the goal).

It is good that it informs extensively about the birth, so you know exactly what will happen in his body and find answers to questions she poses. You can do this together, and during childbirth preparation are also an excellent source of information. Take care to ensure that it can sleep and rest as much as possible during the last weeks of pregnancy. The few additional forces it will be very useful to him in due course.

Although each work is unique and every birth, talk to other women who delivered, read or listen to the testimonies of other women about their birth can give you both a concrete idea of what you might you wait.

With proper preparation and relaxation techniques, the painful aspects of childbirth will be less difficult to face for mom. But even with the epidural, it will more or less badly. Support her, encourage her. Avoid the more frustrated than it already is. Make one last effort together, and baby will soon be there to make you forget the pain.