
Contractions during labor are poorly, very poorly. The pain is usually like a strong cramp happens, rises and falls. This pain lasts about one to two minutes. Between contractions (ie 1 to 10 minutes depending on the person and the stage of completion of work), the pain disappears completely.

Other pain may be felt even outside contractions: pain in lower back, the joints of the pubis, but their intensity is often very low compared to the pain during contractions.


The pain of contractions is caused by physical and physiological processes:
• Cervical dilation and stimulation of sympathetic fibers that compose
• Uterine contraction and distension
• Distension of the birth canal
• Stretching the ligaments of the peritoneum, bladder, urethra and rectum and pelvic ligaments
• Pressure from the baby's head in the pubic and lower back
• Pressure from the baby on various organs
All these processes are normal and are not a sign of pathology. They are essential to allow the passage of a child.

Effect of pain:

If it does not disturb the natural course of delivery (no synthetic hormones), pain triggers the release of endorphins, natural painkillers close to morphine, which allow the mother to endure contractions increasingly strong and increasingly closer.

Improve the perception of pain:

The perception of pain is a very personal phenomenon. It can be reduced by a number of factors such as knowledge by the mother's birthing process that gives meaning to pain and reduces anxiety.

Factors to better cope with the pain:

• A quiet and familiar, where is preserved the intimacy
• The ability to walk, bathe and choose their positions during labor
• Avoid any mother worth her brain stimulation "rational" (complete a medical record, count the hours.) Who impedes the proper functioning of adjustment mechanisms hormone (endorphin)
• Relaxation and calm, deep breaths with each contraction. The tensions and pressures exerted by contractions of the muscles will be more painful if the muscles are contracted and "resist".
• A woman's emotional support by a midwife, a physiotherapist, a doula who will support and encourage women by showing it has the means to manage the way that suits her delivery. This can be through words, songs, touches of tenderness, massages the lower back, rocking, laughter, etc..

Other means against pain:

Besides this, it is also possible:
• Implement the "solutions" that were developed during the sessions of childbirth preparation, whether haptonomy, relaxation therapy, singing, yoga ..
• Use means to reduce pain such as acupuncture, homeopathy,.
• Use of analgesics, primarily epidural (see data), to decrease or eliminate painful sensations.