The benefits of breastfeeding
The benefits of breastfeeding for the baby
- Breast milk is ideal for the baby as it is specifically tailored to its needs.
- Milk composition changes with the baby's needs, adapts to its growth and its development
- Breast milk contains nutrients for the baby to grow: vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, lipids and essential fatty acids, iron ...
- The mother's milk is easily digested
- Breast milk contains antibodies that protect the baby from ear infections (otitis media, nasopharyngitis) and gut before it can make its own antibodies.
- It reduces the appearance of allergies
It allows the reduction of allergies especially in high-risk families, some with a decrease risk of eczema
Breastfeeding may also protect against the risk of developing asthma: a study of checheurs of INSERM published in January 2008, conducted in mice, the maternal alalitement would make the baby more resistant to allergens from environment and reduce the risk of apaprition asthma.
Allergy prevention in children
Other advantages and benefits
- It is always immediately available in sufficient quality, at an ideal temperature
- It avoids the number of episodes of diarrhea (about 5 times less)
- Preventive effect against obesity
- Breastfeeding is a single moment of intimacy between mother and baby.
- Breastfeeding appears to reduce the number of sudden infant death syndrome.
- It is economical because it avoids the purchase of infant formula
- He is always available: the mother's milk has always at his disposal no matter where it is
- The evolution of breast milk after childbirth
Colostrum is the milk produced by the mother between the first and fifth days after birth
- It is produced in small quantities, but sufficient
- It is very nutritious and meets its nutritional needs
- It prepares the final arrival of the milk
- Transitional milk corresponding to the "rise of milk": A feeling of warmth and congestion occurs in the breast appears and ends after 24 hours and is caused by a flow of blood and fluid in the breasts.
- It is produced between the 3rd and 15th day
- It is particularly rich in lipids and carbohydrates
- It is more fluid
- Mature milk: breast milk matures after the second week. It is made from the 15 th day and provides all the necessary elements of a developing baby.
Milk composition varies during a single feeding: it contains more water and is thinner and lighter at the beginning of the feeding, then it becomes thick and contains at that time more fat, thus satisfying the baby.
Fills the breast before each feeding and empties after. The breasts are adapting to the required production at each feeding.
Benefits of breastfeeding for mom
- Breastfeeding helps to lose the pounds more easily by drawing on stored fat during the last few months: to breastfeed increases energy requirements. If the mother is eating normally, it subsequently falls the pounds gained during pregnancy
- Reduced risk of breast cancer, and cervical cancer of the uterus and ovary
- Reduced risk of osteoporosis ...
- Give within a period of 15 days provides a benefit to the mother and baby because it allows the release of oxytocin, a hormone that causes a calming effect and makes the mother more relaxed.
It is preferable that the baby is put to the breast immediately after birth, after birth, even if born by Caesarean section. This helps to promote breast milk production, very favorable for the smooth delivery.