The little things you need to know about breastfeeding
- The first day, the mother may apply to have her baby most often with her, and at night, and ask to get help.
- Clean the nipple with saline before breastfeeding
- Do not give in the first months of bottles of baby milk as a supplement, except urgent situation, because breast milk production could be reduced.
- Breastfeeding does not damage the breasts, keeping them provided with a good bra
- Give the baby to feed if hungry
- Each baby has its own rhythm: Some babies feed quickly in about 5 minutes and others need more time. - - - Most babies find their own rhythm of breastfeeding.
- Breast size has no effect on milk production
- A woman who underwent a caesarean section can breastfeed
- Switch sides with each feeding except for example when your milk to the 3rd or 4 th day.
- It is important to breastfeed even shortly
- Breastfeeding does not necessarily more tired than bottle feeding
- No more than 5 hours between feedings if the baby has not resumed his normal weight
- The use of a breast milk is possible: it can be rented in pharmacies and reimbursed by social security
- It is possible to remove milk by performing massages areolas and keep milk in the refrigerator at a temperature of 4 degrees maximum for up to 2 days.
Do not put milk in the refrigerator door is not cold enough.
Be sure to check with a thermometer the temperature of the refrigerator.
Some diseases may represent a contraindication to breastfeeding. Take the advice of his doctor.
Ensure that breastfeeding is going well
For mom
- The uterus contracts
- Sensation of thirst
- Feelings of warmth, tingling, tension in the breast suckled
- Apapisement feeling of well being and at the end of the feeding
For baby
- It is quiet and calm after feeding
- It has a saddle abundant, yellow, lumpy daily
Do not worry
The breasts are heavy, swollen and sensitive to the 3rd and 4th days: this situation corresponds to your milk: li give the two breasts in the same feed.
The breast-fed babies grow more slowly than those fed with infant formula. Growth is good as evidenced by its growth curve: it grows and grows properly
The right position for breastfeeding
The position in which the mother and baby are installed is important. The baby must be able to easily open his mouth without making effort in order to grab and suck the breast easily.
- For baby's comfort
- For the comfort of the mother to allow the baby to be more comfortable
- To help the baby to nurse well
- To avoid the appearance of cracks.
So that the baby does not pull on the breast and does not turn his head to take the breast.
General rules concerning the position of breastfeeding
Some mothers prefer to be seated and other elongated: the prerequisite for the smooth running of breastfeeding is to be installed comfortably.
- The back must be secured if the sitting position is chosen
- The head should be well posed if the mother is lying
- Take the cushions to be installed best