The movements of the muscles of his face must be regular and harmonious. If the baby does not feel at ease, it is better to stop and take a few moments later.
The positions of the baby to breastfeed
Face, neck and belly of the baby turned to Mom
Back straight
His mouth up to the nipple
The nose should not be pasted on the inside to allow it to breathe normally
His tongue is positioned down
The ear, shoulder, hip and ankle of the baby should be positioned in the same axis.
The mother should approach the child from his chest to allow the baby easily open her mouth to suck.
The baby must take the areola in his mouth and not just the nipple.
A regular suction the baby increases the milk production of mother
Nicotine, alcohol, certain drugs are excreted in the milk of the mother and can be absorbed by the baby.
lnfection by HIV is a contraindication to breastfeeding if another power mode is possible. Infection with Hepatitis B or C virus requires the doctor's advice.
The problems encountered during breastfeeding
Decreases in milk
A drop of milk produced by the mother, a situation not uncommon and extending a short time of great concern to mothers. After a few days, milk production in general becomes completely normal.
This phase is often related an episode of fatigue.
A crying baby can express that he does not drink enough milk.
What to do
Relax and unwind
Drinking enough
Breastfeed more frequently: the breast is stimulated more and more milk it produces.
Breast engorgement
Sometimes the breasts become engorged because the milk fails to flow properly to the nipple.
In this case, the breasts are tight, hard and painful.
Engorgement of the breasts should not cause the cessation of breastfeeding.