Breastfeeding: promote breast milk production and relieve congestion

Not always easy to breastfeed, especially her first child. The new mother is often timid and clumsy, but it is quite normal. Here are some golden rules to help you through the first weeks of breastfeeding.


First, we must know that lactation is between three and five days after delivery, but it is important to let our baby nurse in the early hours. It then feeds on colostrum which will transform into transitional milk and mature milk. At first, when lactation will, you will feel a sensation of heaviness and warmth in the breasts, maybe even a little pain. It is also normal. This indicates that colostrum is being transformed into milk. It will take about a month before the regular production of milk is done. Therefore patience and perseverance.

Stress: If you've never done relaxation, it would be time to get started because stress is the number one enemy of lactation. A very stressed mother may indeed find it difficult to breastfeed. Take time to learn, to find the breastfeeding position for you, see this moment as a special time with your child. If you need advice, specialists are here to help.

Fatigue: it's hard to tell a mother who has just given birth and who has to wake up several times a night to rest. Yet, fatigue can interfere with lactation. This means avoiding as much as possible unnecessary overwork and focus on her baby and yourself. Take naps along with him and ask for help with housework and meals, if possible.

Put baby to breast often: it is suggested to put baby in 8 to 12 times every 24 hours to stimulate the glands. Do not forget the nights since prolactin (a hormone that allows mainly the initiation and maintenance of lactation) is secreted primarily at night. More baby suckles, the more lactation is stimulated. We must persevere, even if initially our nipples are sensitive to the repeated stimulation. Do not forget to let him drink in both breasts to promote milk production in each breast.

Drink plenty of fluids: it is recommended to drink plenty of fluids, water, milk, herbal teas to promote lactation. Of course, alcohol, tea and coffee should be avoided since everything passes into breast milk the baby, what you eat as much as what we drink. This is also why we must promote a diet as balanced as when she was pregnant.

Some key foods: lentils, carrots, Jerusalem artichokes, verbena, star anise and fennel are preferred. Conversely, avoid eating parsley, sage or green cabbage that decrease milk production.

The breast pump: If you feel that baby has difficulty with her sucking, he gets tired too fast and falls asleep or is premature, we can promote lactation through breast pump. The milk collected will be frozen and given to the bottle later.

The hulls of breastfeeding: there are shells on the market for breastfeeding. These are species of cups, which by their pressure on the breast stimulates milk production. However, as they do the nipple pointing forward, they should be avoided in case of cracks.

A suitable bra: Wear a bra that you do not shake too much to avoid compression of the channels and promote waterlogging.

Warm compresses: warm water compresses applied for about a minute before feeding may encourage milk flow.

Relieve inflammation: by cons, if you want to relieve pain and inflammation between feeds, we recommend further an ice pack or bag of frozen peas which are molded well within, or as a Magic Bag you would first put in the freezer.

To relieve congestion: if your baby is not feeding enough or he has trouble because your breast is too rigid (sometimes too congested), use cabbage leaves and place on your breasts making them marry their form. Do it about twenty minutes (or until softened sheet) at a rate of twice a day (after a feed). After two, three days of this treatment, the bottleneck should have decreased.

Plants and vitamins: two herbs seem to favor the production of milk, fenugreek and blessed thistle. Consult a specialist natural products. Lecithin, meanwhile, is a dietary supplement that would favor the passage of milk in the channels.


Sometimes for various reasons (very productive breasts, little appetite for baby ...) your breasts give you too much milk. Several tips can help yourself:

Massage your breasts in the shower: Avoid using a breast pump to stimulate further milk production. To relieve the tension you feel in your breasts and empty, massage them under running hot water in the shower. You get there by pressing the top of the breast towards the nipple, without pinching or stimulate them.

Reduce your amount of drinks.

Wear a nursing bra that does not compress flexible your chest.

Avoid stimulating the nipples.