Update on 10 myths about breast milk production.

1 - At birth, your milk comes immediately.

The birth of your child begins the process of breastfeeding. There are start manufacturing milk in the alveoli

However, milk can not just immediately after childbirth and breast milk production will take place between the second and fourth day after childbirth.

2 - Put baby to breast immediately after birth allows a faster flow of milk and accelerates the arrival of lactation.

Yes, we must propose the baby to breast as soon as possible and make good use of it for two hours of rest forced into the delivery room to breastfeed the newborn. You will be surprised to see how he adapts quickly and understand very quickly what is expected of him!

Baby's sucking reflex develops and allows lactation to move quickly and in good conditions.

3 - Before the rise of milk itself, baby has nothing to eat.

The liquid produced by the breasts at the end of the end of pregnancy and before the arrival of the rise of the milk is colostrum.

This yellow liquid is very thick and rich in nutrients, proteins, lipids, vitamins and antibodies that will be able to help baby to fight against infections.

Colostrum also contains lactobacillus bifidus, which helps the development of intestinal flora and the expulsion of the baby's first stool (meconium). He will be up your milk.

4 - It is difficult to find advice to help me in setting up my breast and inform me of your milk.

If you have difficulty in establishing your breastfeeding, or have concerns about your milk, enjoy your stay at the maternity for advice to midwives who will guide you and reassure you.

5 - I do not necessarily feel my breast milk production.

Lactogenesis, it's painful. It is therefore very likely that you are aware of the changes that are taking place.

Symptoms of breast milk production: your breasts swell and become heavy, hot, tight, hard and very sensitive. This sensation is usually pretty bad. The swelling sometimes extends to below
the armpit.

When your milk, you may also have a fever ... but fear not, all these inconveniences are temporary and soon will be gone.

When you feel your milk is switched on, put the baby in as soon as you experience these phenomena and as often as possible. He will breastfeed more, better will be the start of breastfeeding.

6 - There is no way to relieve themselves during lactogenesis.

Fortunately, there are ways to relieve pain and discomfort of your milk.

Once baby has drunk his fill:

Take a hot shower by gently massaging your breasts: the excess milk out and it will relieve you.

Add the breastfeeds as often as possible in order to avoid congestion.

Do not give water bottle or complementary, set up quietly without disrupting breastfeeding your baby with the introduction of the bottle.

7 - There are materials that will be useful during lactogenesis

Indeed, there are materials that breastfeeding can help you relieve pain from breast milk production.

This is primarily the breast pump will be your ally as it will allow you to "empty" breasts of excess milk. If baby falls asleep within the first and the second makes you suffer, do not hesitate to play the breast pump to avoid engorgement. But be careful, since solicit your breasts causes the production of milk, do not go into gear difficult to manage.

Pulls milk you will, at first regulate your flow of milk according to baby titties.

8 - after a cesarean, no lactogenesis

False, after a cesarean no need to worry that your milk is just as during a natural birth and the establishment of breastfeeding is delayed in any way.

Moreover, it is possible that you are less tired than a woman who has not undergone cesarean section and the first days of breastfeeding can find facilities.

9 - My breast milk production has resulted in a glut, there is nothing to do.

If you suffer from congestion, is that you produce milk (too) large amount ... and keep in mind that this is a great thing and some women who do not produce enough milk would well be for you ... This is a bottleneck, it is painful and unpleasant and there are ways to improve your situation.

Wear a nursing bra fits properly. Day and night, yes!

Feed the baby according to his request. Frequent feedings limits the risk of flooding and enable a smooth introduction of lactation.

If your baby has trouble catching the areola because your breast is too hard and swollen, take a little milk by hand or pump milk until your breast becomes softer and easier to catch baby.

Massage your breast while nursing, it will encourage milk flow and relieve you.

Some women are in favor to ask of crushed ice or refrigerated blocks on the breasts after sucked to soothe the discomfort.

Avoid maximum use silicone nipples (nipple shields) that complicate the task of the baby in the nipple in the mouth.
Learn how to position your baby for breastfeeding. Seek advice from midwives.

Once past the bottleneck, your breasts will be softer, but still full of milk.

10 - I do not want to breastfeed, there is a way to stop breast milk production.

Report to midwives that you do not want to breastfeed, they immediately give you a drug that blocks the production of milk. This will prevent breast milk production and its own inconveniences.

Wherever possible it is good to breastfeed at least during the first days so your baby can enjoy the benefits of colostrum ...

If you do not want or can not, no need to feel guilty, your baby will find in the industrial milk the elements essential for growth and good health!