Congratulations on the birth of a child

An event that should be commended!

The birth of a child is an important event that always accompanies the entourage of his wishes. The desire to congratulate the parents and grandparents is quite natural. But it's not only the desire to share the joy of birth which causes us to demonstrate at the time of childbirth. It is also the desire to support young parents in this intense moment of their lives, show them affection and interest paid to them and thus reinforce the idea that their child arrives in a benevolent world and welcoming.

Occur when young parents?

If you are part of the family or friends, without being part of intimate will be notified by phone, the baby's arrival will be heralded by an announcement, about a fortnight after birth. Once you have read about, please come forward with young parents without further delay. If you learned the birth by email, telephone or text message and the event has just the case, allow young parents time to recover from their emotions before you show.

How to show young parents?

Depending on your level of intimacy with young parents, you will adapt your approach: visit, a letter or an e-card ...

Visit young parents

If you are very close relatives, you dial the phone to arrange a day visit. During your visit, you will ensure not to extend too long to consider the fatigue of the young mother, its possible difficulty in ensuring public care of the baby as breastfeeding. Ideally, you will visit without any lunch hour, so as not to cause preparations in your honor, the pretext for the visit was simply to see the baby, to admire and give a nice gift to the happy parents.

If you are part of the entourage really friendly without being intimate with young parents, the visit will take place later, for example, three months after birth, when the young parents have had time to organize, to rest.

Congratulate writing

When it is desired to manifest without imposing, sending a nice letter or an e-card is an excellent solution. You can send it to the child, to welcome him, and in this case the message will be retained by the parents for the child to examine them later, when he grows up. But above all you can talk to parents to encourage them in their role both challenging and rewarding.

In this case, do not talk too precisely the difficulties facing parents in their function, but insist more on the happiness of seeing it grow a little being a fragile newborn. It is good to keep in mind that young mothers are often impressionable, that is their sensitivity to bright in the weeks following birth. We must therefore congratulate and encourage all at once!

A present to mark the occasion!

It is common to give a gift on the occasion of the birth of a child. The part of the entourage is a gesture expected, from friends or extended family is always appreciated.

Spoiling the young mother

Have flowers delivered to the young mother, preferably at home rather than the maternity ward where they can be banned, is a solution that provides elegant and always to know the tastes and needs of parents. You can also send the young mother a gift that will be useful or agreeable in these circumstances: a book about childhood that you yourself have found valuable, care products and beauty so she can pamper yourself in same time she will use her baby during her maternity leave ...

Spoiled baby

You may prefer to choose baby clothes or toys infancy. It is sometimes useful to focus on his choice of clothing that the child will in a few months or even one to two years after his birth because the baby often receives a lot more clothes in the first age that will require . If this baby has brothers and sisters of the same sex, it may be best not to buy anything until you have sought advice from the mother.

It is not uncommon for the arrival of a child young parents already have everything they need, and sometimes they opt for a list of birth in order to steer trade towards objects and clothing that lacking. Try to learn to be sure to please. Alternatively choose a gift that mom will necessarily need daily care for her child as a gift box containing grooming baby.