The benefits of breastfeeding are no longer to explain. The message of the World Health Organization (WHO) is to feed at least six months. A benchmark that does not absolutely require us to hold this given time or to stop at the end of the first half.
Why six months?
During the first six months of life, babies do not need other food than milk. Breast milk, its composition is best suited to his body. This milk protects against infections, guards against certain allergies, especially those with cow's milk proteins. Breast milk is also guarantor, in almost all cases, a good growth of baby.
After these six months, dietary diversification can begin, but milk, maternal or infant remains vital to your baby's diet. At this stage, weaning is not necessary. If we are available and willing to breastfeed baby, why not continue breastfeeding? The mammary glands are exercised lactation, milk production continues, even if baby head as much. Mixed feeding can continue to breastfeed your baby and to offer other foods, vegetables or fruit at first, then gradually meat.
The ideal is to keep at least two feedings, one in the morning and evening. But if we wean our child before the recommended six months, no question of guilt: it poses no risk to baby! Few days of breastfeeding enough for the benefits it derives. The antibodies will be transmitted and enhance their health. The choice to stop breastfeeding is ours. The only requirement is to do it gradually.
Beyond six months, how long to breastfeed?
The World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding for as long as we can, even beyond his two years. The quality of our milk does not alter our child will breastfeed more and more we will manufacture. In suckling baby beyond its 6 months, we continue to strengthen his immune system. Over the months, breastfeeding will evolve according to the desires of our child. We must listen to him because it is often he who so requests.