True / False on breastfeeding
1. TRUE / FALSE ON BREASTFEEDING: the amount of breast milk varies with the size of the chest ...
Totally false! It's not the size of the chest which affects the amount of breast milk, since these are the mammary glands buried deep within the breast that can produce milk and feed beby. A tiny chest can provide milk in large quantities.
2. TRUE / FALSE ON BREASTFEEDING: it is not possible to breastfeed when you have breast implants ...
Completely wrong! There is no indication that against-because breast implants do not contain toxic substances. However, an easy and harmonious breastfeeding depend on the position of the implants relative to the pectoral muscle covering the ribs. If the implant is on the muscle, breastfeeding is more difficult because it compresses the gland.
3. TRUE / FALSE ON BREAST FEEDING: Breast milk changes taste depending on what you eat ...
It's true! If you have the right to eat whatever you want, you need to know that foods that have a strong taste will instantly give their own flavor to the milk. Thus, it is better to avoid foods enemies of pregnancy include: cabbage, asparagus, leeks and other spicy dishes such as chili con carne that will give a special taste to the milk that baby does not necessarily appreciate.
4. TRUE / FALSE ON BREASTFEEDING: alcohol passes directly into the milk ...
Unfortunately true! Like the flavor of the food you eat pass into breast milk, alcohol also, but it becomes more serious and toxic baby. Better to abstain for the duration of breastfeeding. Similarly, we must also avoid smoking and coffee!