How to get fit after pregnancy
You're a mom for six weeks. It is now time to take care of you.
Most new mothers are starting to become themselves within six weeks after delivery. But the duration varies from one woman to another, especially if you have other children or if you have given birth to more than one baby. Rule number one: do not rush. When you feel ready, here's what experts advise you to do to improve your fitness, your married life and the image you have of yourself.
Returning to exercise
The important thing is do not rush and do not establish any exercise program without first obtaining authorization from your doctor at your medical examination, six weeks after delivery. And caution is even more so for women who have had a caesarean. When women who delivered vaginally, the expert recommends steps to make regular, short and slow steps, as they feel able.
If you have a cesarean delivery, the expert recommends starting with a daily walk of five minutes, about a week after delivery. The best way to work his muscles, is to move them. Of course, this is easier said than done. You hurt, you're tired, you need sleep. You say, And she wants me to do exercise? Yes, but baby steps ...
Find it belly
When you can walk with ease and that the doctor will be permitted, you may be ready to do the following exercises, focus exclusively on the abdominals.
The board changed
Put your hands and knees, forearms and knees on the ground. Lower your hips until your torso is straight, then hold your stomach in and hold it in that position as long as possible. Flexing the muscle and hold it is a good way to build without stretching or the stress.
The aerovelo
This familiar exercise, which involves pedaling in the air, legs in the air, can also help you. Lie on your back, stretch your legs while keeping them as close to the ground, and move them as if you are pedaling. Then, while you're lying on the floor, place your hands behind your head and circle size by pointing your elbow toward the opposite knee. Both exercises are great for the abdominal muscles, especially the rectus and obliques.
However, the importance of not over-stretching the rectus (the muscle surface to six sections), as the deep muscle (the cross) has not been strengthened. The cross is one that supports you the most, we must strengthen the work before the general law. Advice to mothers who have had a diastatic recovery (separation of abdominal muscles): go ahead smoothly with abdominal exercises until the muscles are healed
To feel beautiful
Now that you are a mother, maybe you are having this irrational fear that the woman confident and comfortable in society that you were turning into a hermit anxious to hair greasy? Especially, do not mounting on the negative. All the major events of our lives require a long period of adjustment and help us, as individuals and as a couple, grow, evolve and change. There is no question of losing its identity, but to adjust it, as you did all your life. And never forget, nothing is more important than giving life to another human being and help him become a healthy, productive and fulfilling.
Of course, it is not always easy to keep that in mind, it is quite normal to take care of the more superficial aspects of your metamorphosis. Keep or give your maternity clothes, she advises, as your pregnancy is over! Take maternity shoes that have pampered your swollen feet and bury them in the yard. Forget all those sweaters that, now you float on their backs: they make you look twice as big.
Buy new clothes that suit you. Change your hairstyle and choose a new makeup. Fashion, this season is to dress more sizes and less adjusted. Enjoy it: they will conceal a few extra pounds. If you do not want to refresh your wardrobe before you have lost weight, do you gift a few accessories, like earrings or fashion a pretty bracelet. You put so worth of body parts that were not affected by pregnancy.
Finally, try not be too hard on yourself. Have you for the indulgence and patience as you would for a friend who would live the same.
Baby on Board
Sign up for an exercise class for moms and babies. They have a double advantage, since they give you the opportunity to get some exercise while meeting mothers as you cross the postpartum period.
Exercising with your end of cabbage will be a great motivation for you, because you will not need to look for a babysitter. In addition, baby will play a complementary role in subsequent years.
Place your baby on the ground and, by standing above him, made adjustments and touch his face to each of your runs, while speaking to him.
The swing
Lie on your back, knees bent and calves parallel to floor.
Place your baby on your legs raised and, while holding it firmly with your hands, swing it back and forth.
This exercise is the same as the bench press, except it's the baby in lieu dumbbell.
Sexuality after childbirth
There is also, of course, the physical pain caused by childbirth and fear after a vaginal birth, your sex life is forever disturbed. Never fear, you have not stretched your vagina so! In most cases, the vagina will eventually find its tone. For some women, Kegel exercises can help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles.
As for vaginal dryness caused by breastfeeding, which suppresses estrogen, it will disappear at the end of breastfeeding and the return of ovulation. Meanwhile, you can relieve with lubricating creams or moisturizers. The important thing, is to talk about your problems and not deprive you of sex because you do not dare broach the subject.
Visit soft
Sex aside, it is essential that new parents may, from time to time, find themselves in privacy. Make an appointment. Ask someone you trust completely to keep your baby for a few hours. An outing with your partner will do the greatest good, especially if you do not speak of the baby before returning home!
You have the blues?
How the "baby blues" he differs from postpartum depression itself? Although both are associated with hormonal changes after childbirth, "the baby blues is short," Two or three days after birth, the new mother often feels sad and tends to cry for everything and anything. But it does not last and after a few bouts of crying, she regains her zest for life. Postpartum depression, by contrast, is a real disease. It differs in terms of duration, intensity and range of emotions. Instead of disappearing after a few days, the feeling of sadness tends to worsen and persist for weeks or months. In some cases it may even require medial care. But this depression is treatable and mothers who suffer find their joy in life if they receive appropriate treatment.
The specialist advises new mothers and their family members to watch for signs of postpartum depression:
- frequent crying spells that last beyond a week;
- persistent lack of appetite;
- difficulty sleeping or oversleeping trend;
- anxiety or sadness permanent feeling of numbness; negative - feelings in situations that normally would be pleasurable;
- impression of being a bad mother or the baby is not a good baby or trying to harm you;
- impression that no one ever comes;
- temptation to deal damage to you or to inflict on your baby.