After delivery, the body is still undergoing changes: the organs most sought gradually found their initial shape and cocktail hormonal changes. The young mother needs rest and tenderness to get into shape!
Wave of fatigue: the hormonal upheaval
For nine months the body of the mother was flooded with hormones: a hormonal high tide will quickly retreat to the time of delivery and will contribute to his baby blues. The hormones involved are estrogen and progesterone.
A recovering perineum
A maternity home and also, a midwife examines the state of the perineum and the stitches if there was an episiotomy. The pain is very variable according to the history of childbirth. The pelvic floor rehabilitation exercises can be started only six to eight weeks after delivery. Before rehabilitation, you may be faced with a weak bladder. It is best to avoid carrying heavy loads.
What happens in the womb
Contractions after childbirth
Uterine contractions continue beyond childbirth. They are of course much less severe, sometimes barely noticeable, especially beyond two to three days. They are due to secretion of the hormone oxytocin, which promotes contraction of the uterus until it regains its normal size. The contractions are greater with breastfeeding and increase with the number of births.
The uterus shrinks
After the placenta, the uterus weighs on average 1 kg. In six weeks, he will lose about 95% of its weight. The uterus shrinks even faster with the oxytocin released during breastfeeding.
Heavy bleeding
They correspond to the remnants of the mucous membrane surrounding the egg in the uterus and the blood from the space left by the placenta (3). These constitute the lochia. They are very abundant in early and bloody, then gradually diminish and lighten two to three weeks. During consultations with maternity midwives will be particularly vigilant about their appearance: these are screening uterine infections.
A distended stomach
It will take to have done perineal rehabilitation for Why to his abs. Meanwhile it is better to avoid too much focus on his small tin!
For those who have had a caesarean, the son and the staples are removed before leaving the hospital or at home by a doctor or nurse. Anticoagulant therapy is administered subcutaneously for three weeks to prevent phlebitis (blood clot in the veins).
The postnatal visit with her gynecologist
It will only take place six weeks after the baby is born. During the visit, the doctor checks the blood pressure and check that the uterus has regained its original size. It also examines the state of the perineum and scars when episiotomy or caesarean.