Health symptoms never to ignore after childbirth

After delivery, it is quite normal to have light bleeding, feel small pains and tiredness. In general, some simple enough. However, real medical emergencies can also occur during the days and weeks following childbirth. They should be treated as soon as possible if we want to avoid serious complications.

Problems that must be urgently addressed

• A sudden and significant vaginal bleeding (possibly with a shock that is manifested by a rapidly beating heart, a feeling of malaise, dizziness, sweating, fainting) This is a post-hemorrhage partum. It may be due to atony of the uterus (it has not retracted after the issue well and it bleeds), retained placenta (pieces of placenta remained in the uterus) or sores in the cervix or vagina. Anyway, postpartum hemorrhage, which is rare, requires hospitalization.

• Severe headache or continuous
The very intense headaches within three days after delivery may be a sign of hypertension or its most common complication, preeclampsia (hypertension with protein in the urine). Headaches caused by preeclampsia are usually accompanied by blurred vision, nausea or vomiting. Antihypertensive treatment is proposed.

Headaches can also be a side effect of epidural or spinal anesthesia.

• Hypertension
Normally, your blood pressure will be checked within six hours of your delivery. If the bottom number (diastolic pressure) is greater than 9, it could indicate that you are in pre-eclampsia and therefore at risk of eclampsia. In this case, consult a doctor immediately if you will need hospitalization, especially if you have other signs of preeclampsia such as headaches, blurred vision, nausea or vomiting.

• Shortness of breath
It is quite normal to be breathless after making efforts. However, if you are breathless without doing anything and it does not improve with rest, you might be suffering from a pulmonary embolism (a blood clot that blocks a blood vessel in the lungs). Anticoagulants will be prescribed.

• Chest pain
If you have pain in the chest, this could be due to a lung infection or a tensing muscle during labor. However, this may also indicate the presence of a pulmonary embollie (see above). Such symptoms should never be ignored. If you have chest pain, if you are breathless or if you cough up blood, immediately call the emergency services.

• Pain in the calf
If you have pain in the calf, this could be a sign of deep vein thrombosis (or phlebitis). Clot mouth one of the leg veins. The calf pain is sometimes accompanied by redness and swelling of the calf and a slight fever. This problem can cause a pulmonary embollie and must be treated urgently. The treatment involves the prescription of anticoagulants.

• Thoughts of suicide
The hormonal changes that occur after childbirth can have significant effects on your psyche. If you have thoughts of death, if you think about committing suicide, if you have very negative thoughts towards your baby, contact your doctor, midwife or your local PMI. You can also talk to a relative or friend so they can call for help for you.

• Overexcitation, insomnia and intense agitation
Emotions and mental health of some mothers are sometimes very disturbed after the birth of a child. If you have difficulty thinking, if you feel very agitated, confused, have the impression of "imagining things", this could indicate the onset of a rare condition called postpartum psychosis. This disease is treatable and should be supported as soon as possible by a physician.

• High fever (38 ° C or more)
High fever, chills accompanied or not, is a sign of infection. When you have just given birth, untreated infection can quickly make you very sick. Most often, these infections occur in the uterus or the stitches from an episiotomy. They can be treated with antibiotic prescription.

• Inability to urinate within 6 hours after delivery
If you have not urinated since frankly your delivery, you might suffer from urinary retention. See, you will receive salary, as a survey spillway.

Urgent problems, but that can wait for the opening of the doctor's office

Consult your GP or midwife as soon as possible if you experience any of the following problems:

• Vaginal smelly
These losses can be a sign of infection in your uterus or vagina. Your doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

• Abdominal pain moderate
This pain can also be a sign of infection. They can take around your stitches if you have had a caesarean, or be deeper, into the uterus, where the wound formed by the detachment of the placenta from the uterine wall is in the process of healing. Any infection in the uterus must be treated promptly (with antibiotics) because it increases the risk of postpartum haemorrhage (see above).

• Swollen hemorrhoids, which emerge
Although hemorrhoids are a very trivial problem, they can sometimes grow considerably after childbirth and become very painful. Hemorrhoids are varicose veins (enlarged veins) located near the anus and sometimes they appear. This is known as prolapsed hemorrhoids. Their failure is manifested by anal bleeding. Should be consulted for treatment.

• "Baby blues" that lasts longer than 10 days
If, two weeks after the baby is born, you continue to feel moody, irritable, or constantly close to tears and you are not happy in your role as a mom, it could be that you suffer from depression postpartum. Do not stay well and get help with your doctor or center of PMI.

• Pain important to the perineum, possibly with burns or smelly urine
These symptoms may indicate an infection of stitches or a urinary tract infection. Consult your doctor or midwife so that they can verify the proper healing of your perineum and eliminate the possibility of a hematoma (a large blue) in the vaginal wall.

• Leaks
It is quite common to feel a sense of urgency when you have to pee or poop after giving birth. However, if you have leaks uine or feces before getting to the bathroom, you may have an incontinence problem. This is fortunately usually transient but talk to your doctor or midwife as soon as possible. Physical therapy of the pelvic floor (or perineum) will be prescribed.