The puerperium

Your child is born!
Now, how is the return to normal?
And returns to be exactly the same as before?
To reassure you right now: yes to the weight and shape, with some patience ...

But there is not that the figure has changed during pregnancy!
What you really expect after the birth of your child?
Reading these lines ...

After childbirth: the puerperium

Fatigue after childbirth

There is a fairly evocative of the state of fatigue that occur after childbirth:
It's like trying to beat the record for the 100m after a marathon.
It suggests things you ...

The effort that you provided during childbirth is exhausting, you will need time to recover. In general, we advise you to enjoy your stay in the maternity ward to rest, enjoying the support team around you.
Protect yourself and try to follow this advice, because when you return home, you will be only two, in the best case!

The involution of the uterus: the uterus is gradually regaining its size

Immediately after childbirth, the uterus contracts, and begins to shrink.
It goes down about one centimeter per day, no longer feels the ten days after delivery.

The cervix is also a few weeks to regain its original shape.
The internal os is closed, but the external os remains open for a time.
He will return to its original shape, about 6 weeks after delivery.

Trenches: uterine contractions after childbirth

Known as the contractions that allow the uterus to involute.
They are quite discreet in primiparous, but become more intense and painful from the second delivery.
They are also more intense when the mother breastfeeds.

The lochia: bleeding after childbirth

This is the blood flow after delivery.
This flow consists of blood and parts of uterine mucosa.
During the early days, these flows are quite large. They continue until about the third week.
However, for some women, these flows will continue until returned.
Protection plan accordingly: these flows are greater than those caused by the rules ...

The perineum

The perineum was severely tested during childbirth.
Once you're up to, repeat short exercises that will allow it to regain its tone and suppleness. (Cf: The perineum, the unknown.)

Since it is distended, it is possible that you leak urine during exercise (laughter stoop ... see: urinary leakage after childbirth.)
Report it to your doctor, it will help guide you to the rehabilitation.