Love, sex after pregnancy
Love after the birth of your child
So here we enter a subject vehicle many stories and legends.
Desire is a fragile thing, related to the image that each partner of the couple to each other.
When mingle old wounds always fresh all the transformations and fatigue imposed a tiny baby, the balance is even more difficult to find.
Who has not heard many sordid story of a couple whose unfaithful husband failed to await the restoration of his partner ...
The birth of a baby alters singularly roles, places, and just life.
Find a new balance, time and space for the playful spirit with a little every second that determines your reactions, it is not easy.
Everyday life is turned upside down, the inner life is too.
Before birth, the changes of each partner gradually became integrated into a new lifestyle, as long as everyone is patient enough to wait or to accompany the other.
Here the changes are sudden, significant, without giving everyone time to understand and follow the evolution of thought or action ...
The misunderstanding, impatience, fatigue ... nothing but hassle from ingredients ...
For a few weeks, you will live out of time, seeking a new balance, new contact points.
Give yourself some time ...
Few weeks in a life well worth a few chips, some patience, you better find soon after!
Do not forget that lack of sleep, fatigue and cause reactions that do not necessarily reflect the substance of thought ...
For a few weeks: the calm
To be honest, the upheavals of the body, including the uterus and vagina are absolutely incredible after childbirth.
It takes about six weeks to find a near-normal morphology.
Episiotomy helping the recovery of sexual activity "classic" is not for the week after delivery.
Medically, it is advised to wait the six weeks after delivery.
The recovery may simply be after healing of episiotomy and / or when the lochia stops.
If you have not had any tears or episiotomy, you can resume when you feel like it ..